Monday, February 05, 2007

Well, gosh, if you say so, Chief!

Just because someone you respect, trust, and admire says something, it doesn't mean it's true. I know you may think that this is obvious, and well, it fucking should be. However, it's been four years since Colin Powell stood up in front of the United Nations and lied his ass off for an hour and a half, talking about mobile weapons trucks and nasty chemical gases that Saddam had aimed at Winesburg, Ohio. He sacrificed his honor and his principles for his job, something that a majority of people in this world do on a regular basis, whether voluntarily or because they have been forced into submission by a system that is now embodied brutally by George W. Bush and his movement.

There were valid reasons for people to latch on to an authoritarian mindset in the wake of 9/11. For many, it was a frightening and confusing time, especially because the context of the attack was lost among the population, obscured by national complacency and a negligent, consolidated media regime who saw no profit in recording reality. The enforced ignorance among the most accessible and reputable news organizations, eternally present throughout American history, but which has persisted malignantly since the aftermath of Watergate, successfully perpetuated the worst fears of Americans through a calculated and economically beneficial campaign of delinquency and deceit. Institutionalized, compartmentalized, sterilized ignorance. We as a citizenry continue at the mercy of a media owned by a literal handful of companies, the vast majority of which are ideological kin of fascist regimes (just ask Signor Berlusconi in Italy - the Prime Minister also owns the Italian media). I just want you all, even if no one ever reads this, to know that the people you get your information from are lying to you, and they are making a shitload of money in the process. Read this, and never forget that the news is not the truth; you must seek the truth yourself. If you don't care, then fuck you. I don't want to be your friend. If we're not already friends, then fuck you ... you're my enemy.

The next time you pick up a New York Post, think twice. You want to know what it is to support terrorism? It's giving money to an organization that is mortally linked to maintaining a regime that foments and cheerleads a war based on lies, for the profit of a few and at the expense of the rest, including hundreds of thousands who will never know the Earth again.

Let's all get our fucking heads out of our fucking asses.

UPDATE: My point, if it wasn't immediately clear, is that all of those assholes were wrong, and continue to have the ability to be wrong on a massive scale. Colin Powell knew that Saddam had no weapons, but now he's dead and American oil companies are poised to sign contracts that would give them control of Iraq's oil fields. So when this next wave of hysteria over Iran comes marching down Broadway in the guise of wise old white-haired men - Saints McCain and Lieberman - take your dick out and piss in its face. Understand what is going on here, because if you don't, no one will.

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