Monday, February 12, 2007

A Line in the Sand

It's coming, and there may not be much we can do about it. The silence we've steeped in since the last era of great social change, when the people last held accountable those who led them astray, has saturated us with complacency, apathy, and ignorance. The self-satisfactory backslapping by the inquisitors and the subsequent rhetorical backlash from authority has created an atmosphere of unconscious self-righteousness that has reduced the American citizenry at large from the great waves of a mighty ocean to a dreary tidal basin subordinate to the whims of the moon, whether it is there or not. The fulcrum of this social see-saw, now more than ever, is the filter through which we connect to the world: the media. Right now, that support is cracking under the massive weight of hollow government and imaginary money. If you put your ear to the world, you may hear the faint creaking and groaning, like an ancient tree that has fought gravity for too long, though more likely it will be drowned out by the clamor of violent pornography and soulless selfishness that is all too happily considered entertainment.

The drums begin to beat again. Our newspaper of record, The New York Times, decided to continue to use its ass as a resting place for the fist of the Bush administration and its cabal of warmongering, supremacist assholes who think they know what the fuck they're doing, but, really, can't help but to fuck shit up. A front-page lube job delivered by Michael R. Gordon, offers "evidence" of Iranian involvement in attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq, evidence that would compel a military retaliation by these United States. This evidence is based on anonymous quotes by various Bush administration officials, both civilian and military, drawing almost exact similarities to the propaganda spouted in the run up to our Great Mistake, the invasion of Iraq. Even more striking is that the author of this madness is the same man who, along with Judith Miller, wrote those dubious, unsourced articles in 2002-2003. The haunting and deranged details are laid out in their simple essence by Greg Mitchell of Editor & Publisher and Glenn Greenwald, and I assure you this is nothing less than insane. Anonymous, broad, and unverified assertions of Iranian warmongering have been printed uncritically, just as the flames were fanned about Saddam's globocidal intentions. Even General Pace, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and Bush fist toy, will not verify the assertions made this weekend, that the Iranian government is sanctioning attacks on U.S. troops.

Since a Seymour Hirsch article in The New Yorker last year quoting various current and former administration officials, an American strike on Iran has been very much in the minds of those with their finger on the trigger. There are already covert operations underway in Iran, with American Special Forces contracting with terrorist elements of Iranian society to do their dirty work. A tactical nuclear strike remains on the table. These maniacs are willing to go nuclear first, even in the absence of Iranian aggression. A new reminder. Remember that this is a government that faked intelligence to go to war. This is a government that was considering painting a U.S. warplane to make it look like a U.N. aircraft in hopes of provoking Iraq into shooting it down to provide pretense for war.

After all of the bullshit, after all of the insanity, and after all of this carnage, we are still in the cold clutches of maniacal savages in the White House and their lilly-livered enablers in the highest orders the now "lesser" branches of government. I really don't think there is anything we can do about it either. The marches, the protests, the letters to Congress - what the fuck is going to work? Am I allowed to advocate revolution? I can't imagine anything else that will work, though it need not necessarily be a revolution in arms. By Jefferson's account, we're about 220 years overdue. Time cannot heal these wounds, only allow them to be ripped open further, salted and spit on.

There is no doubt that something must be done to stop these freaks from using American might to pervert the principles of humanity for their own fantastic designs. They, politicians, are now so detached from reality, caught up in a sphere of reach-arounds and reciprocal fucking and sucking with those that will make them rich and keep them in power that they are no longer the avenue that supports the will of the People.

So what the fuck are we going to do, because one thing is for sure ... This Aggression Will Not Stand.

Are you ready to wake up?

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