A bright spot fades in time. I guess I didn't see its inevitability because I wanted to believe that Nirvana was incorruptible as an idea, but the shock of hearing "Bloom" in a commercial for a video game really ripped me deep. Does the art belong to the artist, the muse, or its own admirers? I see a lot of our society's ugliness in Courtney Love as an individual affected by its various afflictions. Whoring art to perpetuate the pimping of life. Whose fault is that?
I really hate commercials.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
2-0 Good Guys. Prucha from Jagr on the pp.
Suck it, you fucks.
update: 2-1, off the post ... even stupid jerks from new jersey get lucky sometimes.
update: 2-2 ... ahh, shit.
update: 3-2 assfucks in a shootout ... new jersey still sucks.
Suck it, you fucks.
update: 2-1, off the post ... even stupid jerks from new jersey get lucky sometimes.
update: 2-2 ... ahh, shit.
update: 3-2 assfucks in a shootout ... new jersey still sucks.
Template change ... Ach ja? or Ich don't think so?
Also, if you want to comment, and I really hope you do (it's the only way I know people read this thing), please do so in the comments section, as opposed to by instant message or email. The purpose is to inform and entertain, but that works much better as a dialogue, and one that is out in the open for all to engage.
UPDATE: Fuck it. I didn't like. I would like to know what you think about the template in general, as I'm obviously thinking about a change. Mr. Clancy has also begun posting some of my stuff over at TheWetFloor, so be sure to check me out there, as well as that animal's cinematic perversions.
Also, if you want to comment, and I really hope you do (it's the only way I know people read this thing), please do so in the comments section, as opposed to by instant message or email. The purpose is to inform and entertain, but that works much better as a dialogue, and one that is out in the open for all to engage.
UPDATE: Fuck it. I didn't like. I would like to know what you think about the template in general, as I'm obviously thinking about a change. Mr. Clancy has also begun posting some of my stuff over at TheWetFloor, so be sure to check me out there, as well as that animal's cinematic perversions.
Dead Weight
Throughout the brief and mostly dark saga of human history, iridescent wisps of brilliance have struggled against the pervading blackness of ignorance to lead humanity towards a future rooted in reality and focused on harmony. Time has always venerated the great achievements of human thought, however it has also provided for an ever-expanding chasm that threatens to swallow whole the progress made by our species towards understanding the strange environment that nurtures and supports us.
Nothing illustrates this more than the rate of scientific illiteracy that utterly dominates the human population. Raised in the chains of religious orthodoxy and distracted by the fruits of technological innovation, the vast majority of people do not understand how we've come to grasp nature, instead content to apathetically accept our ability to control its mechanisms with total disregard for the consequences of such reckless exploitation. Even the cosmic truths that may seem obvious and incontrovertible are the targets of shallow derision and politically motivated cynicism propagated by ideological fundamentalists. Whereas the spheres of theology and philosophy are to pose the great questions of existence, it is the realm of science to evaluate our environment to provide the answers. Ultimately, both have succeeded in their tasks, however in practice, each has failed to engage the general population in such a way as to produce a symbiotic relationship that pushes our understanding, and has left us with a bitter parasitic system of dialectical doubt that tears community apart at the seams and ensures that progress be derided as a utopian fantasy.
The article I linked to is the first of a three part examination of our collective illiteracy. Coincidentally, I happen to be reading Cosmos, by Carl Sagan (whom David Ewing Duncan quotes and uses as a framework for his article) - a man whose very goal, as a "science popularizer," was to bridge the gap of ignorance with the wonders and ultimate connectedness of our existence. This is a theme that I have decided will be a focal point for my future, and I will return to this topic frequently in hopes that others will be inspired or, at the least, a little better informed.
Nothing illustrates this more than the rate of scientific illiteracy that utterly dominates the human population. Raised in the chains of religious orthodoxy and distracted by the fruits of technological innovation, the vast majority of people do not understand how we've come to grasp nature, instead content to apathetically accept our ability to control its mechanisms with total disregard for the consequences of such reckless exploitation. Even the cosmic truths that may seem obvious and incontrovertible are the targets of shallow derision and politically motivated cynicism propagated by ideological fundamentalists. Whereas the spheres of theology and philosophy are to pose the great questions of existence, it is the realm of science to evaluate our environment to provide the answers. Ultimately, both have succeeded in their tasks, however in practice, each has failed to engage the general population in such a way as to produce a symbiotic relationship that pushes our understanding, and has left us with a bitter parasitic system of dialectical doubt that tears community apart at the seams and ensures that progress be derided as a utopian fantasy.
The article I linked to is the first of a three part examination of our collective illiteracy. Coincidentally, I happen to be reading Cosmos, by Carl Sagan (whom David Ewing Duncan quotes and uses as a framework for his article) - a man whose very goal, as a "science popularizer," was to bridge the gap of ignorance with the wonders and ultimate connectedness of our existence. This is a theme that I have decided will be a focal point for my future, and I will return to this topic frequently in hopes that others will be inspired or, at the least, a little better informed.
Hell Isn't Good.
And, Jesus, I can't think of many things that make me as uncomfortable as 3 million people walking the streets of New York with ashy x's on their foreheads. So many people trying to stay out of Hell is JUST MORE PROOF THAT THE DEVILS ARE A BUNCH OF HACKY, PURPLE PANTY-WEARING JERKS WHO GET BY BECAUSE THEIR GOALIE IS A MACHINE AND THEY PLAY IN THE SAME DIVISION AS THE ISLANDERS AND THE FLYERS.
Tomorrow night, you fucking scrubs.
And, Jesus, I can't think of many things that make me as uncomfortable as 3 million people walking the streets of New York with ashy x's on their foreheads. So many people trying to stay out of Hell is JUST MORE PROOF THAT THE DEVILS ARE A BUNCH OF HACKY, PURPLE PANTY-WEARING JERKS WHO GET BY BECAUSE THEIR GOALIE IS A MACHINE AND THEY PLAY IN THE SAME DIVISION AS THE ISLANDERS AND THE FLYERS.
Tomorrow night, you fucking scrubs.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
My Hero
I've definitely made my fair share of sexually explicit gestures at fans from the crease (Syracuse vs. LeMoyne at the War Memorial immediately comes to mind), but this guy, well ... he's my fucking hero.
"I've had my fill of these refs." - Mickey Meyer
"I've had my fill of these refs." - Mickey Meyer
Friday, February 16, 2007
Zigzag Fiddle Crabs.
The massive amounts of equivocation and meandering trains of bullshit coming from the Bush administration on Iran and the extent of their involvement in the war we started with their neighbor is appalling, mostly because there are people who are doubling down on it. Who the fuck are these people who, in light of everything we know about everything there is to know about this shit, are not only completely willing to put the fantasy in their mouths, but are also willing to swallow. Who are these fucking people? Do you know who they are?
I am hereby calling on every rational person to engage in Reverse McCarthyism, to out those who are too retarded to engage in civil discourse, who are too frightened to think practically, who are too selfish to be included in a community - anyone who is too stupid to understand the chain of events that has brought us to this point must not be able to hide behind a facade of fiction, fantasy, and fairy tale thinking. This is a call to call shenanigans ... shenanigans on anyone who is full of shit. This isn't calling someone a name to which you've attributed nefarious connotations; it is a call to make people back up their fucking bullshit. If someone is going to assert themselves about a certain topic, and are probably or indubitably wrong, yet will not cede their ground, it is your duty as a member of the human community to call shenanigans. I have had it with people who succeed, who are accepted in the supposedly honorable sectors of life who have NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT! From here on out, I am starting my very own War on Terror - the terror of being ruled by dolts and of falling subject to the consequences of mistakes that ought not be made.
On Bushfuck's new tyrannical vision: I am sure there are Iranian weapons in Iraq. Some of them are being used against American troops. I am also relatively certain (insofar as I don't have any textual evidence on hand, being that it's 2am and I don't feel like finding it right now) that there are American and Soviet-made munitions being used against our own soldiers as well. What I am confused about is why would the Iranian government, which is ruled by Shiites who make up the majority of both the Iranian and Iraqi populations, would be supplying arms to the Sunni insurgents, who are responsible for the vast majority of attacks on U.S. troops? It. Doesn't. Make. Sense. Yet here we are, on the verge of another Gulf of Tonkin incident with seemingly no recourse to stop this insanity. Here we've lost over $10 BILLION DOLLARS in Iraq to waste and overcharging by military fuck contactors (yes, Halliburton and Friends) and no one is doing shit! Resolutions to disagree! Is that a joke? Resolution to fuck your fucking ass with your own goddamn fucking thumb is more like it. Can we impeach this clown already? This whole ideology that enables the dumbest people in this country to wield power?
We're losing our minds, one dollar at a time.
And get that fucking Butterfinger commercial off my TV. The one with that rat girl laughing at an imaginary hand drawing bunny ears and orange afros on her professor. Really? Is that fucking funny, you fucking idiot? It's just madness. There's just too much, too much.
I am hereby calling on every rational person to engage in Reverse McCarthyism, to out those who are too retarded to engage in civil discourse, who are too frightened to think practically, who are too selfish to be included in a community - anyone who is too stupid to understand the chain of events that has brought us to this point must not be able to hide behind a facade of fiction, fantasy, and fairy tale thinking. This is a call to call shenanigans ... shenanigans on anyone who is full of shit. This isn't calling someone a name to which you've attributed nefarious connotations; it is a call to make people back up their fucking bullshit. If someone is going to assert themselves about a certain topic, and are probably or indubitably wrong, yet will not cede their ground, it is your duty as a member of the human community to call shenanigans. I have had it with people who succeed, who are accepted in the supposedly honorable sectors of life who have NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT! From here on out, I am starting my very own War on Terror - the terror of being ruled by dolts and of falling subject to the consequences of mistakes that ought not be made.
On Bushfuck's new tyrannical vision: I am sure there are Iranian weapons in Iraq. Some of them are being used against American troops. I am also relatively certain (insofar as I don't have any textual evidence on hand, being that it's 2am and I don't feel like finding it right now) that there are American and Soviet-made munitions being used against our own soldiers as well. What I am confused about is why would the Iranian government, which is ruled by Shiites who make up the majority of both the Iranian and Iraqi populations, would be supplying arms to the Sunni insurgents, who are responsible for the vast majority of attacks on U.S. troops? It. Doesn't. Make. Sense. Yet here we are, on the verge of another Gulf of Tonkin incident with seemingly no recourse to stop this insanity. Here we've lost over $10 BILLION DOLLARS in Iraq to waste and overcharging by military fuck contactors (yes, Halliburton and Friends) and no one is doing shit! Resolutions to disagree! Is that a joke? Resolution to fuck your fucking ass with your own goddamn fucking thumb is more like it. Can we impeach this clown already? This whole ideology that enables the dumbest people in this country to wield power?
We're losing our minds, one dollar at a time.
And get that fucking Butterfinger commercial off my TV. The one with that rat girl laughing at an imaginary hand drawing bunny ears and orange afros on her professor. Really? Is that fucking funny, you fucking idiot? It's just madness. There's just too much, too much.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Why I hate Valentine's Day
Happy VD? That's a little much. I've never really heard anyone say Happy VD, except for that scornful prostitute who I stiffed a couple years ago. Why would someone even make some garbage like this, except to instill an unconscious animosity or apathy towards the Democratic Party? There is constantly bullshit like this from the media and media companies, like CNN writing "Obama" when they mean Osama, or even smaller slips like calling Sen. Reid the minority leader when in fact he is the Senate MAJORITY leader. It makes a difference and shit like this is just so unnecessary. So fucking unnecessary. Who wants a politician wishing them a Happy Valentine's Day anyway? I mean, Happy VD.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Fuck em up, fuck em up, GO BU!
For some reason - call it fate, call it karma, call it Jack Parker - Boston University always wins the Beanpot. Whether they're at the top of Hockey East, or being trampled under the feet of Maine, BC, UNH ... it doesn't matter. Last night, the #7 Terriers won their third in a row over #13 BC, 2-1 in overtime.
I went downtown to a bar called Standings (7th, just west of 2nd Ave.), where the BU alumni gathered to watch the game. It's really a travesty that college hockey isn't televised, publicized, or even cognized by anyone outside of the faithful. We get inundated with the absurdity of college football, the most anti-climactic sports season of them all, watching relatively untalented oafs take on other relatively untalented oafs while a couple of pretty talented guys run through the middle. The intimate intensity of hockey, in particular college hockey, is brought out even more by the degree of extremism among the faithful, the strange breed that is a hockey fan.
I arrived in a mostly empty bar at about twenty to seven for the 8pm puck drop; the two handfuls of drinkers were all deep into pitchers, brandishing their beautiful sweaters. It was a small space, and I found the only reasonable seat left in the place, in the corner at the end of the bar in front of a stack of empty pitchers. It was a lucky seat, as dorks in business garb and dorks in red poured through the murky door and filled in all of the empty space as the clock rounded the hour. There was a buzz as going around, not to mention pitchers of microbrews and free hot dogs; whenever anyone associated with BC had the audacity to show up on one of the HD TVs, the crowd sent up a chorus of boo's and some pretty vulgar chants about Jerry York (the BC coach) and the rest of the Bullshit Eagles. I was sitting next to a mixed group of recent BU alums, a nice group all decked out in their red and white and not afraid to start up the BU fight song at any moment. I actually got the perfect seat for the one Onondaga CC alum in the crowd, though I've probably seen as many Beanpots live as anyone else. It's one thing when Mr. Clancy does it, but when a shit-faced middle-aged guy in a suit starts affecting a South Boston accent and calling people "Lad" and telling me that it doesn't matter if BU gives the puck away at their own blue line ... it's fertile soil for contempt, though the atmosphere was buoyant enough to keep my mind on the game.
An early BU goal sent the crowd into a frenzy, and throughout the game, every hit (and, Sweet Jesus, there were some snot-knockers) brought out the drunk in everyone, including Yours Redoubtably (I took down a few pints of some organic Pilsner at $5 a pint - not bad at all). A BC goal early in the third forced the mob to continue doing exactly what they were doing, just with more vitriol, more beer, and a sinking feeling in the stomach. Each team hit a post during mad scrambles in the crease with under five to play, the BU goaltender John Curry coming up with a ginormous glove save to keep it tied and headed for overtime. I came close to becoming a glorious prognosticator by assuring the nice young lady sitting next to me that BU would score 6:32 into the overtime; I was off by about a minute. A face-off in the offensive zone, a loose puck, and a great finish found the net over the BC goali- ahh, SIEVE!'s shoulder for the game-winner by Brian McGuirk, his first goal of the season. That kid got laid last night. John Curry took home Best Goaltender and Beanpot MVP honors, prompting me to order one last pint to wash away the wistfulness of what should have been and never was. Great game, and a great time.
I went downtown to a bar called Standings (7th, just west of 2nd Ave.), where the BU alumni gathered to watch the game. It's really a travesty that college hockey isn't televised, publicized, or even cognized by anyone outside of the faithful. We get inundated with the absurdity of college football, the most anti-climactic sports season of them all, watching relatively untalented oafs take on other relatively untalented oafs while a couple of pretty talented guys run through the middle. The intimate intensity of hockey, in particular college hockey, is brought out even more by the degree of extremism among the faithful, the strange breed that is a hockey fan.
I arrived in a mostly empty bar at about twenty to seven for the 8pm puck drop; the two handfuls of drinkers were all deep into pitchers, brandishing their beautiful sweaters. It was a small space, and I found the only reasonable seat left in the place, in the corner at the end of the bar in front of a stack of empty pitchers. It was a lucky seat, as dorks in business garb and dorks in red poured through the murky door and filled in all of the empty space as the clock rounded the hour. There was a buzz as going around, not to mention pitchers of microbrews and free hot dogs; whenever anyone associated with BC had the audacity to show up on one of the HD TVs, the crowd sent up a chorus of boo's and some pretty vulgar chants about Jerry York (the BC coach) and the rest of the Bullshit Eagles. I was sitting next to a mixed group of recent BU alums, a nice group all decked out in their red and white and not afraid to start up the BU fight song at any moment. I actually got the perfect seat for the one Onondaga CC alum in the crowd, though I've probably seen as many Beanpots live as anyone else. It's one thing when Mr. Clancy does it, but when a shit-faced middle-aged guy in a suit starts affecting a South Boston accent and calling people "Lad" and telling me that it doesn't matter if BU gives the puck away at their own blue line ... it's fertile soil for contempt, though the atmosphere was buoyant enough to keep my mind on the game.
An early BU goal sent the crowd into a frenzy, and throughout the game, every hit (and, Sweet Jesus, there were some snot-knockers) brought out the drunk in everyone, including Yours Redoubtably (I took down a few pints of some organic Pilsner at $5 a pint - not bad at all). A BC goal early in the third forced the mob to continue doing exactly what they were doing, just with more vitriol, more beer, and a sinking feeling in the stomach. Each team hit a post during mad scrambles in the crease with under five to play, the BU goaltender John Curry coming up with a ginormous glove save to keep it tied and headed for overtime. I came close to becoming a glorious prognosticator by assuring the nice young lady sitting next to me that BU would score 6:32 into the overtime; I was off by about a minute. A face-off in the offensive zone, a loose puck, and a great finish found the net over the BC goali- ahh, SIEVE!'s shoulder for the game-winner by Brian McGuirk, his first goal of the season. That kid got laid last night. John Curry took home Best Goaltender and Beanpot MVP honors, prompting me to order one last pint to wash away the wistfulness of what should have been and never was. Great game, and a great time.
Following up on my previous post, I just came across a diary by Wesley Clark titled, "Is War with Iran Inevitable?" He offers an overview of the current situation as a discussion point to engage Americans in dialogue over this crucial issue. This is a man who I believe should be the Vice Presidential nominee on Al Gore's 2008 Democratic ticket, a four-star general, and a man with integrity and balls up to his eyebrows. I suggest you take a look at what General Clark has to say and keep it in mind. For the more inquisitive, for anyone who is really interested in this particular discussion, take a look at the comments section of the diary.
What I haven't mentioned previously, which Clark does briefly, is the news that Bush has sent two naval carrier groups into the Persian Gulf, and a third is likely on the way. These groups are equipped with Patriot missiles, a devastating weapon that has thus far not been employed at all in either Afghanistan or Iraq, their purpose no doubt to use on Iranian targets.
Fuck this war.
What I haven't mentioned previously, which Clark does briefly, is the news that Bush has sent two naval carrier groups into the Persian Gulf, and a third is likely on the way. These groups are equipped with Patriot missiles, a devastating weapon that has thus far not been employed at all in either Afghanistan or Iraq, their purpose no doubt to use on Iranian targets.
Fuck this war.
Monday, February 12, 2007
A Line in the Sand
It's coming, and there may not be much we can do about it. The silence we've steeped in since the last era of great social change, when the people last held accountable those who led them astray, has saturated us with complacency, apathy, and ignorance. The self-satisfactory backslapping by the inquisitors and the subsequent rhetorical backlash from authority has created an atmosphere of unconscious self-righteousness that has reduced the American citizenry at large from the great waves of a mighty ocean to a dreary tidal basin subordinate to the whims of the moon, whether it is there or not. The fulcrum of this social see-saw, now more than ever, is the filter through which we connect to the world: the media. Right now, that support is cracking under the massive weight of hollow government and imaginary money. If you put your ear to the world, you may hear the faint creaking and groaning, like an ancient tree that has fought gravity for too long, though more likely it will be drowned out by the clamor of violent pornography and soulless selfishness that is all too happily considered entertainment.
The drums begin to beat again. Our newspaper of record, The New York Times, decided to continue to use its ass as a resting place for the fist of the Bush administration and its cabal of warmongering, supremacist assholes who think they know what the fuck they're doing, but, really, can't help but to fuck shit up. A front-page lube job delivered by Michael R. Gordon, offers "evidence" of Iranian involvement in attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq, evidence that would compel a military retaliation by these United States. This evidence is based on anonymous quotes by various Bush administration officials, both civilian and military, drawing almost exact similarities to the propaganda spouted in the run up to our Great Mistake, the invasion of Iraq. Even more striking is that the author of this madness is the same man who, along with Judith Miller, wrote those dubious, unsourced articles in 2002-2003. The haunting and deranged details are laid out in their simple essence by Greg Mitchell of Editor & Publisher and Glenn Greenwald, and I assure you this is nothing less than insane. Anonymous, broad, and unverified assertions of Iranian warmongering have been printed uncritically, just as the flames were fanned about Saddam's globocidal intentions. Even General Pace, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and Bush fist toy, will not verify the assertions made this weekend, that the Iranian government is sanctioning attacks on U.S. troops.
Since a Seymour Hirsch article in The New Yorker last year quoting various current and former administration officials, an American strike on Iran has been very much in the minds of those with their finger on the trigger. There are already covert operations underway in Iran, with American Special Forces contracting with terrorist elements of Iranian society to do their dirty work. A tactical nuclear strike remains on the table. These maniacs are willing to go nuclear first, even in the absence of Iranian aggression. A new reminder. Remember that this is a government that faked intelligence to go to war. This is a government that was considering painting a U.S. warplane to make it look like a U.N. aircraft in hopes of provoking Iraq into shooting it down to provide pretense for war.
After all of the bullshit, after all of the insanity, and after all of this carnage, we are still in the cold clutches of maniacal savages in the White House and their lilly-livered enablers in the highest orders the now "lesser" branches of government. I really don't think there is anything we can do about it either. The marches, the protests, the letters to Congress - what the fuck is going to work? Am I allowed to advocate revolution? I can't imagine anything else that will work, though it need not necessarily be a revolution in arms. By Jefferson's account, we're about 220 years overdue. Time cannot heal these wounds, only allow them to be ripped open further, salted and spit on.
There is no doubt that something must be done to stop these freaks from using American might to pervert the principles of humanity for their own fantastic designs. They, politicians, are now so detached from reality, caught up in a sphere of reach-arounds and reciprocal fucking and sucking with those that will make them rich and keep them in power that they are no longer the avenue that supports the will of the People.
So what the fuck are we going to do, because one thing is for sure ... This Aggression Will Not Stand.
Are you ready to wake up?
The drums begin to beat again. Our newspaper of record, The New York Times, decided to continue to use its ass as a resting place for the fist of the Bush administration and its cabal of warmongering, supremacist assholes who think they know what the fuck they're doing, but, really, can't help but to fuck shit up. A front-page lube job delivered by Michael R. Gordon, offers "evidence" of Iranian involvement in attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq, evidence that would compel a military retaliation by these United States. This evidence is based on anonymous quotes by various Bush administration officials, both civilian and military, drawing almost exact similarities to the propaganda spouted in the run up to our Great Mistake, the invasion of Iraq. Even more striking is that the author of this madness is the same man who, along with Judith Miller, wrote those dubious, unsourced articles in 2002-2003. The haunting and deranged details are laid out in their simple essence by Greg Mitchell of Editor & Publisher and Glenn Greenwald, and I assure you this is nothing less than insane. Anonymous, broad, and unverified assertions of Iranian warmongering have been printed uncritically, just as the flames were fanned about Saddam's globocidal intentions. Even General Pace, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and Bush fist toy, will not verify the assertions made this weekend, that the Iranian government is sanctioning attacks on U.S. troops.
Since a Seymour Hirsch article in The New Yorker last year quoting various current and former administration officials, an American strike on Iran has been very much in the minds of those with their finger on the trigger. There are already covert operations underway in Iran, with American Special Forces contracting with terrorist elements of Iranian society to do their dirty work. A tactical nuclear strike remains on the table. These maniacs are willing to go nuclear first, even in the absence of Iranian aggression. A new reminder. Remember that this is a government that faked intelligence to go to war. This is a government that was considering painting a U.S. warplane to make it look like a U.N. aircraft in hopes of provoking Iraq into shooting it down to provide pretense for war.
After all of the bullshit, after all of the insanity, and after all of this carnage, we are still in the cold clutches of maniacal savages in the White House and their lilly-livered enablers in the highest orders the now "lesser" branches of government. I really don't think there is anything we can do about it either. The marches, the protests, the letters to Congress - what the fuck is going to work? Am I allowed to advocate revolution? I can't imagine anything else that will work, though it need not necessarily be a revolution in arms. By Jefferson's account, we're about 220 years overdue. Time cannot heal these wounds, only allow them to be ripped open further, salted and spit on.
There is no doubt that something must be done to stop these freaks from using American might to pervert the principles of humanity for their own fantastic designs. They, politicians, are now so detached from reality, caught up in a sphere of reach-arounds and reciprocal fucking and sucking with those that will make them rich and keep them in power that they are no longer the avenue that supports the will of the People.
So what the fuck are we going to do, because one thing is for sure ... This Aggression Will Not Stand.
Are you ready to wake up?
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Oh, Muffins.
To make up for the sheer density of the last post, I offer you the greatest hour and a half of public television ever (via googlevideo).
When you're done watching that, treat yourself to a remarkably prescient Super Bowl prediction by today's preeminent Christian commentator from the Greater Cincinnati area.
... fuck coherence.
When you're done watching that, treat yourself to a remarkably prescient Super Bowl prediction by today's preeminent Christian commentator from the Greater Cincinnati area.
... fuck coherence.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Do they pay you to screw that bear?
A note on decency: When waiting on line, on any line, it is a civil obligation that you wait for those in front of you to proceed first. Overtaking those in front of you as if they didn't exist at all is an expedient method for throwing common courtesy and domestic order to the bears. It is also one very effective way of getting punched in the fucking nose. Like Lonny Levine at recess in 4th grade. Am I the only one who gives a shit about the rules?
Speaking of rules, it would be nice if our Justice Department followed them. Justice cannot exist at any degree if the system through which it is administered is fundamentally perverted. Not just law-breaking (which isn't in-itself a bad thing; we all know that there are many laws that are in themselves incredibly unjust), but cheating in general is a convention that is instilled from the top down. Our leaders have institutionalized dishonesty and condoned the treatment of individuals as faceless means to whatever whim they will. Think about everyone you know on a personal level who has sacrificed their integrity to get something at the expense of another. I challenge you to tell me you don't know anyone who fits that description. You're lying (probably). Maybe I'm wrong and accountability, no matter how delayed, usually catches up to wrongdoing. Like those cold case murder shows on A&E. Seventy year-old guy gets a knock on his door, finds out he's going to jail for that murder he committed 40 years ago. He didn't get away with it after all. The problem is that somebody is dead. The problem is that somebody always pays when you fuck with the natural balance. You might get yours eventually, but nobody is going to be able to restore the balance completely. I think we have passed the critical point, where we as a community have passively accepted injustice to such a degree that we have lost the ability to render any semblance of Justice at all. Are we the savages?
That may have been pretty heavy, so now something ... pretty heavy. Holy Joe Lieberman (Shitfacedcockmaster-CT) thinks that Americans haven't been doing their part in the "War on Terror" and would like to introduce a ... new tax! If the current budget offered by Bushface passes, we will have paid, as a nation, over $600 billion dollars on this ... war. This war that is being waged in the name of National Security, though it has demonstrably and irreversibly made America less secure (in no small part by having turned the rest of the world into a violent, unstable vacuum for extremism to fester and explode). There are twenty people in the world who want this madness to continue. Joe Lieberman loves war. He is also a dishonest, weasel-faced fuckwad. From the new issue of The New Yorker:
To reiterate - FUCK THE DEVILS! Fuck this government. Fuck fraternities. Fuck the salad chopper at Lenny's who didn't chop my salad. Fuck every asshole who doesn't understand that you cannot walk through people.
Speaking of rules, it would be nice if our Justice Department followed them. Justice cannot exist at any degree if the system through which it is administered is fundamentally perverted. Not just law-breaking (which isn't in-itself a bad thing; we all know that there are many laws that are in themselves incredibly unjust), but cheating in general is a convention that is instilled from the top down. Our leaders have institutionalized dishonesty and condoned the treatment of individuals as faceless means to whatever whim they will. Think about everyone you know on a personal level who has sacrificed their integrity to get something at the expense of another. I challenge you to tell me you don't know anyone who fits that description. You're lying (probably). Maybe I'm wrong and accountability, no matter how delayed, usually catches up to wrongdoing. Like those cold case murder shows on A&E. Seventy year-old guy gets a knock on his door, finds out he's going to jail for that murder he committed 40 years ago. He didn't get away with it after all. The problem is that somebody is dead. The problem is that somebody always pays when you fuck with the natural balance. You might get yours eventually, but nobody is going to be able to restore the balance completely. I think we have passed the critical point, where we as a community have passively accepted injustice to such a degree that we have lost the ability to render any semblance of Justice at all. Are we the savages?
That may have been pretty heavy, so now something ... pretty heavy. Holy Joe Lieberman (Shitfacedcockmaster-CT) thinks that Americans haven't been doing their part in the "War on Terror" and would like to introduce a ... new tax! If the current budget offered by Bushface passes, we will have paid, as a nation, over $600 billion dollars on this ... war. This war that is being waged in the name of National Security, though it has demonstrably and irreversibly made America less secure (in no small part by having turned the rest of the world into a violent, unstable vacuum for extremism to fester and explode). There are twenty people in the world who want this madness to continue. Joe Lieberman loves war. He is also a dishonest, weasel-faced fuckwad. From the new issue of The New Yorker:
Lieberman likes expressions of American power. A few years ago, I was in a movie theatre in Washington when I noticed Lieberman and his wife, Hadassah, a few seats down. The film was “Behind Enemy Lines,” in which Owen Wilson plays a U.S. pilot shot down in Bosnia. Whenever the American military scored an onscreen hit, Lieberman pumped his fist and said, “Yeah!” and “All right!”What a douche. It's not like he was watching a good war movie .. he was watching a fucking war movie with fucking Owen Wilson as the goddamned hero and during the most sanitary U.S. foreign adventure in our history! Goddamn it!
To reiterate - FUCK THE DEVILS! Fuck this government. Fuck fraternities. Fuck the salad chopper at Lenny's who didn't chop my salad. Fuck every asshole who doesn't understand that you cannot walk through people.
One More Thing ...
When the fuck are we going to have a national dialogue about Saudi Arabia? I'm sick of talking about things that aren't real issues, but become fucked up fucking problems because we talk them into being problems. Here's a problem. Osama - Saudi. 9/11 hijackers - Saudis. George Bush Oil Butt Buddies - Saudis (just because Michael Moore said it doesn't mean you have to roll your eyes; it's the truth, delivered in a nasal, wheezing voice). OPEC is run by the Saudis. There are not many countries, at least ones with "legitimate" governments, that are worse human rights abusers than Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is ruled by a fundamentalist interpretation of Islamic law. State-sanctioned beheadings for the people, Mediterranean yachts and gangbangs for the richers. Many of the richest people in the world are Saudi royals. I'll start the fucking conversation. Ready?
Fuck Saudi Arabia.
And for good measure, fuck George W. Bush.
There are injustices everywhere in the world. Our national silence about Saudi Arabia, especially in the shadow of an abhorrent, ill-conceived, illegal, and absurdly unnecessary war, is an injustice that I will never personally be able to cleanse from my conscience.
Sleep well.
Fuck Saudi Arabia.
And for good measure, fuck George W. Bush.
There are injustices everywhere in the world. Our national silence about Saudi Arabia, especially in the shadow of an abhorrent, ill-conceived, illegal, and absurdly unnecessary war, is an injustice that I will never personally be able to cleanse from my conscience.
Sleep well.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Well, gosh, if you say so, Chief!
Just because someone you respect, trust, and admire says something, it doesn't mean it's true. I know you may think that this is obvious, and well, it fucking should be. However, it's been four years since Colin Powell stood up in front of the United Nations and lied his ass off for an hour and a half, talking about mobile weapons trucks and nasty chemical gases that Saddam had aimed at Winesburg, Ohio. He sacrificed his honor and his principles for his job, something that a majority of people in this world do on a regular basis, whether voluntarily or because they have been forced into submission by a system that is now embodied brutally by George W. Bush and his movement.
There were valid reasons for people to latch on to an authoritarian mindset in the wake of 9/11. For many, it was a frightening and confusing time, especially because the context of the attack was lost among the population, obscured by national complacency and a negligent, consolidated media regime who saw no profit in recording reality. The enforced ignorance among the most accessible and reputable news organizations, eternally present throughout American history, but which has persisted malignantly since the aftermath of Watergate, successfully perpetuated the worst fears of Americans through a calculated and economically beneficial campaign of delinquency and deceit. Institutionalized, compartmentalized, sterilized ignorance. We as a citizenry continue at the mercy of a media owned by a literal handful of companies, the vast majority of which are ideological kin of fascist regimes (just ask Signor Berlusconi in Italy - the Prime Minister also owns the Italian media). I just want you all, even if no one ever reads this, to know that the people you get your information from are lying to you, and they are making a shitload of money in the process. Read this, and never forget that the news is not the truth; you must seek the truth yourself. If you don't care, then fuck you. I don't want to be your friend. If we're not already friends, then fuck you ... you're my enemy.
The next time you pick up a New York Post, think twice. You want to know what it is to support terrorism? It's giving money to an organization that is mortally linked to maintaining a regime that foments and cheerleads a war based on lies, for the profit of a few and at the expense of the rest, including hundreds of thousands who will never know the Earth again.
Let's all get our fucking heads out of our fucking asses.
UPDATE: My point, if it wasn't immediately clear, is that all of those assholes were wrong, and continue to have the ability to be wrong on a massive scale. Colin Powell knew that Saddam had no weapons, but now he's dead and American oil companies are poised to sign contracts that would give them control of Iraq's oil fields. So when this next wave of hysteria over Iran comes marching down Broadway in the guise of wise old white-haired men - Saints McCain and Lieberman - take your dick out and piss in its face. Understand what is going on here, because if you don't, no one will.
There were valid reasons for people to latch on to an authoritarian mindset in the wake of 9/11. For many, it was a frightening and confusing time, especially because the context of the attack was lost among the population, obscured by national complacency and a negligent, consolidated media regime who saw no profit in recording reality. The enforced ignorance among the most accessible and reputable news organizations, eternally present throughout American history, but which has persisted malignantly since the aftermath of Watergate, successfully perpetuated the worst fears of Americans through a calculated and economically beneficial campaign of delinquency and deceit. Institutionalized, compartmentalized, sterilized ignorance. We as a citizenry continue at the mercy of a media owned by a literal handful of companies, the vast majority of which are ideological kin of fascist regimes (just ask Signor Berlusconi in Italy - the Prime Minister also owns the Italian media). I just want you all, even if no one ever reads this, to know that the people you get your information from are lying to you, and they are making a shitload of money in the process. Read this, and never forget that the news is not the truth; you must seek the truth yourself. If you don't care, then fuck you. I don't want to be your friend. If we're not already friends, then fuck you ... you're my enemy.
The next time you pick up a New York Post, think twice. You want to know what it is to support terrorism? It's giving money to an organization that is mortally linked to maintaining a regime that foments and cheerleads a war based on lies, for the profit of a few and at the expense of the rest, including hundreds of thousands who will never know the Earth again.
Let's all get our fucking heads out of our fucking asses.
UPDATE: My point, if it wasn't immediately clear, is that all of those assholes were wrong, and continue to have the ability to be wrong on a massive scale. Colin Powell knew that Saddam had no weapons, but now he's dead and American oil companies are poised to sign contracts that would give them control of Iraq's oil fields. So when this next wave of hysteria over Iran comes marching down Broadway in the guise of wise old white-haired men - Saints McCain and Lieberman - take your dick out and piss in its face. Understand what is going on here, because if you don't, no one will.
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