Monday, June 18, 2007

Put Some Meat On It!

very stoked. just got some turkish figs from the amish market on 45th. beats the hell out of going down to whole foods and dealing with their shenanigans.

delicious shenanigans.

unfortunately, for the members of SuperExplosionGiggleFunTime, entropy is as inexorable. the leaden veil of domination dissipated this sunday on the sara d. roosevelt fields, as first-place SExGiFT relinquished the opportunity to put a third trophy in the case by forfeiting in their semifinal against fourth-place somedumbname. as the unassailable arbiter of the goal line, and the mountain upon which the two previous championships were borne, this earth-shattering occurrence comes as a mere blemish to an otherwise redoubtable ego. i think the worst part of it is that the scoreline says that we lost 0-3. fortunately, next season is next week ... or something. enjoy your circumstantial victory ... but don't drink out of the cup unless you have another one (or if you feel like drinking gold paint with your scotch).

happy father's day, pop ... sorry i'm not with you in PA. be the ball.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Twenty Easy Steps

... to become an irritating jackass! Zombie instructions! Egads, if I talk about the same ridiculous things over and over again, then it must be the Truth!

They come to eat your brains. I think the best way to fight the Zombies is to poison the brains so when they try to eat them, they go crazy. Crazy Zombies without access to fresh brains are predisposed to destroy themselves. The only effective poison, though, is knowledge of the science that underlies existence. It attaches itself to the natural structures of the brains, causing a contradiction between the Zombies physical existence and the alternate reality in which they dwell. Consciousness implodes, the brains melt like a six month-old turkey sandwich, no mayo. Dementia turns the Zombies against each other, and those infected to varying degrees make war over the truth of their perception.

::gnaw gnaw gnaw::

Poison your brains.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Let's Call Him: "H-Bomb"

Fucking automobile industry strikes again.

If you can't find humor in the idea of George Bush blowing himself up, not in a religious or political fervor, but because he's a fucking moron ... then what? I have no idea. Give up. It would've been perfect, on the symbolic level. A tyrant who knows nothing of the world destroys himself in a trivial act of ignorance; it doesn't get better than that. On the human level ... talk about natural selection. Derrrrp! Does this fork go in the wall socket?! Derrrrp! If only the unrepentantly ignorant would get rapped on the hand now and again to remind them that the head does not belong in the ass ... Being dumb needs to hurt.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Get This Meat OFF-AH Me!

What Booman says.
The war in Iraq will have consequences. One of those consequences will be a renewed vigor on the left, as it has devised tools to overcome the crap served up to us by the Washington political establishment. The only way the progressive backlash can be avoided is if it is stopped in its tracks by the nomination of Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee. If that happens, it won't be possible to stop a massive splintering on the left and will not matter how many people write STFU diaries or invoke the ghost of Ralph Nader. People should be well advised to oppose her nomination NOW, so that we go forth with unity and take the White House AWAY from the establishment that got us into this mess.

It's the system, stupid. Putting carbon copies of the gears needed to effectively run the Machine for perpetuity is obviously not the best way to change our course from destruction to progress. Whether they have D or R after their names matters not (though I haven't encountered an R with any grasp of intellectual honesty). Content of character (integrity and intelligence and ideas as opposed to wankery, platitudes, and assertions of faith) is what matters now, and ought always have been the case. Sadly, it has not.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Friday, March 16, 2007

Sapere aude!

This is ridiculous. It should be a no-brainer, but I have little faith in a Supreme Court that has only become more disreputable since they Kinged Bush. It has become commonplace in America for weak and irrelevant arguments to be accepted as justification for absurd conduct, and this case could epitomize this point.

In response to the argument for stricter limits on student speech:

For our leaders to understand Columbine as a sign that students need to be controlled and limited in their expression is a dangerous interpretation of events. Columbine was made possible by an institutionalized culture that demands conformity and adherence to cultural norms, forcing those who are different to the margins where they become alienated and subject to torment by those who can get along in the "normal" fashion. By severely punishing students who nonviolently express their rejection of demonstrably flawed traditions, not only are the rebels tyrannized, but also the studentry as a whole. They learn that it is not acceptable to think freely and that those who do should be disciplined. Behavior is learned. Thought is learned. That's some example to set. School is not merely about what's between the covers of distorted, poorly written textbooks, but about how to solve problems as a member of a community. When someone in that community thinks or speaks differently, though in accordance with their human rights, and is then punished for it, it teaches people that to get along, you must go along.

Iraq. George Bush Jr.

How is it possible that a society can reject and loathe a man like Ralph Nader, who has dedicated his life to exposing dangers and proposing solutions; to honest discourse? We are not born with shackled minds. How do we become so intolerant?

We learn it in school.

If I'm not high ...

then you must be.

my favorite part:
White students are more likely to use drugs and alcohol than minority students, and students at historically black colleges have much lower rates of substance abuse than other students, the study found.

got adderall, bro? fuck it, just gimme some coke.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007