Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Get This Meat OFF-AH Me!

What Booman says.
The war in Iraq will have consequences. One of those consequences will be a renewed vigor on the left, as it has devised tools to overcome the crap served up to us by the Washington political establishment. The only way the progressive backlash can be avoided is if it is stopped in its tracks by the nomination of Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee. If that happens, it won't be possible to stop a massive splintering on the left and will not matter how many people write STFU diaries or invoke the ghost of Ralph Nader. People should be well advised to oppose her nomination NOW, so that we go forth with unity and take the White House AWAY from the establishment that got us into this mess.

It's the system, stupid. Putting carbon copies of the gears needed to effectively run the Machine for perpetuity is obviously not the best way to change our course from destruction to progress. Whether they have D or R after their names matters not (though I haven't encountered an R with any grasp of intellectual honesty). Content of character (integrity and intelligence and ideas as opposed to wankery, platitudes, and assertions of faith) is what matters now, and ought always have been the case. Sadly, it has not.

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